Our Journey


The only mental health rehabilitation facility in Sindh to receive the Regular license from Sindh Health Care Commission.

Karwan-e-Hayat wins KHI AWARDS 2025 for “Uplifting Communities”.

Female wing expansion efforts commenced – capacity to be increased by 25% along with complete renovation of entire wing.

2023 -2024

Expansion in Community Outreach services to 22 locations of Karachi with almost 50 camps conducted on monthly basis. During the year, Karwan-e-Hayat facilitated more than 243,000 patient visits.

2022 -2023

Expansion and renovation of the hospital OPD facility, now renamed “Nausheen Faisal Ghani OPD Block”. Ability to facilitate an increased number of patient visits and enhance the overall services offered at the hospital. The new OPD Block will provide visiting patients and their families with an appropriate reception counter, psychiatric consultation and counselling, rehabilitation and pharmacy services under one roof. It is a one-window operation for the ease of patients and their families.

2020 – 2021

Expansion in Community Outreach services to 19 Locations of Karachi with more than 40 visits each month and Inauguration of North Karachi Center and patients visits has increased to a total of 75,768

Services of Karwan e Hayat were acknowledged through KHI Award 2021

2019 - 2020

Community outreach services were acknowledged by Government of Japan and were granted 07 Suzuki Bolan to expand the services to outskirts of Karachi

With a total of 72,083 patients facilitated through various services of Karwan e Hayat and were treated free of cost or on highly subsidized rates

2018 -2019

Services of Karwan e Hayat were acknowledged through Engro Foundations’ IAMTHECHANGE Award

2017 – 2018

Community Outreach services at five more remote and underserved locations in Karachi.

2016 – 2017

Annual patients’ visits reaches 70,378. 93% of these patients were treated free of cost.

2015 -2016

Modernized private rooms operational for patients able to pay for their treatment & hospitalization. Revenue generated, utilized for the treatment of impoverished patients.

2013 -2014

ISO 9001: 2015 Certification acquired and services of Karwan e Hayat were certified by the Pakistan Center for Philanthropy.

2011 -2012

Korangi Community Psychiatric Centre (KCPC) was formed to initiate Community Outreach services.

2009 -2010

Affiliation with Rutgers University, USA begins. KeH Rehabilitation practioners begin guidance and training from faculty of Rutgers University.

2004 – 2005

Karwan’s Psychiatric Care and Rehabilitation Centre (PCRC) 100 bed facility operational, largest psychiatric care hospital in Pakistan.
Rehabilitation services started functioning.

1992 – 1993

Kh-e-Jami Clinic extended OPD services to patients from three days initially, to five days a week.

1983 -1984

Karwan-e-Hayat established to provide mental health treatment services for the underserved.