- Introducing Psychiatric Rehabilitation at a Psychiatric Facility in Pakistan.
- Pattern of mental health disorders in adult population attending a tertiary mental health care setting.
- Impact of Cellular Reminder on Follow-Up Patients Suffering from Psychosis: Randomized Controlled Trial.
- The Impact of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program: The KEH Experiences.
- Factors affecting treatment compliance in psychiatric setting.

- Self-reported health and smoking status, and body mass index: a case-control comparison based on GEN SCRIP (GENetics of SChizophRenia in Pakistan) data.
- Effective therapeutic interventions to promote recovery from first psychotic episode and minimize its relapse: a qualitative study from Pakistan.
- The treatment approach of patients and their families and impact on SMS reminder toward OPD follow up of psychotic patients.
- Characteristics and patterns of individuals who have self-harmed: a retrospective descriptive study from Karachi, Pakistan.
- Level of Depression and Anxiety among Caregivers of Patients with Schizophrenia.