Our vision is to achieve the highest standards in providing psychiatric and rehabilitation services to the mentally disturbed members of society, especially the poor and marginalized and to offer them opportunities to improve their quality of life.
- We aim to train and develop mental health professionals and to participate in research that will contribute to greater knowledge and understanding of mental health issues.
- We are committed to mainstream the guiding principles of mental health into health policies at different levels.
- We envision a society that understands and values good mental health practices, protects and treats people suffering from mental disorders with dignity, fairness and respect.
- To work for the prevention, relief and treatment of mental illness.
- To work towards the rehabilitation of mentally distressed people, especially the under privileged and deprived.
- To raise public awareness about mental illness and to foster behavioural change in society.
- To organize, train and maintain a team of dedicated Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Occupational Therapists and Social Workers to ensure a competent and ongoing mental health service.

At Karwan-e-Hayat (KeH), the values that we subscribe to and strive to inculcate in our medical staff and all caregivers are:
- Commitment: We shall direct all our efforts towards the alleviation of suffering caused by mental illness.
- Compassion: We shall treat our patients with compassion, understanding and respect.
- Integrity: We shall always provide quality patient care.
- Hope: We shall spread the message of positivity that mental illness is treatable and manageable with professional help.
- Education: We shall become a learning organization growing through knowledge exchange, research and continuing education.
- Determination: We shall always challenge discrimination and stigma against the mentally ill.
- Collaboration: We shall develop strategic partnerships within our community as well as with national and international organizations in the field of psychiatry.
- Advancement: We shall apply the best clinical and rehabilitative practices to treat our patients.