Karwan-e-Hayat has faced many difficulties, the stigma associate with mental illness is greatest among them. Karwan-e-Hayat brought hope for a better future to thousands of underprivileged patients with its humble origins and unwavering dedication to providing therapeutic solutions to individuals suffering from mental health concerns. According to the WHO Mental Health Atlas (2020), approximately 12.5% of the global population suffered from mental illnesses, making mental disorders one of the leading causes of ill health and disability worldwide. An estimated one-fifth of the population in Pakistan would at some point in their lives facing mental health problem, making the country’s condition even more grim. In order to solve this widespread and sometimes disregarded dilemma, Karwan-e-Hayat’s effort are essential.
Mental Health and Physiological Support (MHPSS) In Pakistan
Pakistan has committed to the Mental Health Action plan 2013-2030 of the World Health Organization (WHO); yet not much has been done to address the acute security and uneven allocation of mental health resources. There are virtually no provisions for psychological support across the provinces. It was projected that 1 in 5 persons in the 80 areas most severely affected by the 2022 floods have a mental health issue, but 51 of these district do not have a single psychiatrist.

More than 45 million people in Pakistan are in dire need of psychiatric assistance. According to WHO data, there are less than 0.2 psychiatrist per 100,000 people in Pakistan, compared to the average of 5.3 psychiatrists per 100,000 people in South Asia. This ranks Pakistan among the nations with the lowest number of psychiatrists in both the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region and the World. As per the data released by WHO’s Mental Health Atlas 2017, the nation is facing three major concern related to mental health issues:
1. Lack of health care facilities
- 4 Psychiatric Hospitals in the public sector
- 344 residential care facilities
- 654 psychiatric units in general hospitals v/s 1,200 hospitals for other health care services
2. Lack of mental healthcare workers
- 400 registered psychiatrists
- < 500 clinical psychologists (population of 230m+)
3. Lack of Awareness and Attached Stigma

For the fiscal year 2024-2025, the health budget of Pakistan is PKR 29 billion. The budget for mental health, within this health budget, is less than 0.5%, which is estimated to be PKR 14.5 million.